Finally! Get Your Online Business Up and Running in 4 Weeks or Less!

Learn how to start your own business online with very little costs, even if you've never run a business or looked a single spreadsheet before....


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Launch your own income producing business online without taking on huge overhead startup costs or risks! 

At last, a real solution for real people who want to increase their income with a scalable, work from home, internet based business - taught by a proven expert with more than a decade of real world experience.

Let's be real... Financially speaking it can be a scary world out there.

If you're like most people you have spent most of your life working a specific job, career, or something, all the while knowing in the back of your mind that one good financial blow (job loss, sickness, world-wide viral pandemic) could knock you off your feet.

Then how would you pay your bills?

And to make matters worse - you've watched as the world economy teetered on the brink of disaster in 2008, only to be followed by a huge boom that imploded overnight with a real world global threat of death by virus in 2020... 

No wonder you're feeling a bit insecure - (who isn't?)

And if by chance you do happen to be one of the small percentage of society who has been responsible enough to save a lot of money and invest in your retirement program, the odds are you have lost huge portions of that money at least once in the last decade because of stock market volatility or bad management.

You might even be one of the 82% of American workers who has given up on the dream of retirement, and plans to work forever...

And yet, while this fear of financial insecurity looms, there may be an awareness somewhere in the back of your mind - an awareness that not everyone lives like this..

You may be aware that somewhere out there in the ether, is a new breed of work force - a group of people who sleep until noon (if they want) never get out of their shorts, and earns sometimes as much as 8-10x MORE than the average employee in the world. 

Who are these people? Is this some strange alien life force that has inhabited the bodies of our millennial generation?

No, this is a new breed of entrepreneur - a cross section of business owners who recognize the internet changed the way business will be done forever

Most importantly, they realize that business is to be used as means of creating a better, more sustainable life style for the business owner, all the while improving the lifestyle of the customer.

Oh yea, this new breed of entrepreneur also believes in keeping expenses low, profits high, and employees to a minimum (if at all).  

It may be a new generation of business owner and entrepreneur, but it's not limited to the younger folks, people of every age and background can participate in this new era of business innovation and opportunity. 

And the best part is - the barrier to entry can be so low that you could get launched in the next 4 weeks and start making real cash flow profits in 90 days or less... (even if the world is shut down because of some dumb virus!)

Sound fun?


The ONLINE BUSINESS LAUNCHER COURSE has been designed to help you break out of the day to day "I got a job" funk and turn it into an "I've got a life changing opportunity" experience! In this course you will discover how easy it really can be to get an online business put together, and LAUNCHED - in fact you'll get everything you need over the next 4 weeks. If you will do your part, you can be fully up and running in 4-6 weeks and earning new income in 90 days or less! 

(I know because I've just proven the model with a new business startup of my own!)

THIS WEEK ONLY - Limited time - 50% discount !

Here’s What You’ll Get When You Sign Up

This course is delivered ON-DEMAND, which means you get INSTANT ACCESS as soon as you sign up!  The course divided into 8 modules which you can watch on your own schedule.  During this course you will learn the critical skills and knowledge needed to get your business launched.  Since there is a lot of information and you will naturally want to go back and review the lessons, you get unlimited access to watch the videos as many times as you want. You will also get 1 year of updates (new recordings) to reference and review as much as needed.

INSTANT - On Demand Training

You will get instant access to the entire training series, with all 8 modules plus bonus modules. 

Better than Business School

Most business majors don't know what you will know once you take this course - cause this is real world!

Recordings For Reference

It's hard to catch everything the first time, that's why we include the recordings for unlimited review

Optional:  1-on-1 Coaching

If you need a little extra help, you can elect to enroll in some 1-on-1 coaching to make sure you get it all!

Here’s what people are saying

Len Barnes

Former Student

His clarity of thought is inspiring

Jeremy has a real knack for making complex issues seem easy. His clarity of thought is inspiring and his enthusiasm is contagious. Jeremy is the greatest naturally gifted teacher I've ever encountered and I strongly recommend that anyone who wants to improve themself should follow his teachings religiously.

Tom Ennis

Former Student

A Guiding Force for me

Jeremy has been a guiding force for me for years.  When he was doing his live webinars, I would always arrange my schedule to be there - it was one of the most important events of each week!  His knowledge, insight, patience, enthusiasm and genuine 'caring' - would always lift me up and inspire me to believe in myself and the future.

Linda Boschian

Former Student

A Great inspirational speaker

I've known Jeremy for 10 years.He's been a great teacher and an inspirational speaker. I'm looking forward listening and learning in his new venture.

Here's What All You Will Learn

This course has been designed to give you an understanding of each of the core elements needed to design and launch your first online business (even if you've never done any kind of business before). 


Introduction - The New Era of Entrepreneurship

Business is business. In some ways they are all the same, in other ways they are all different. In this module we will take a look at new emerging business trends and why online business provides unique and very lucrative opportunities for all types of entrepreneurs. You will discover the truth about how much risk (or actually how little risk) is really required to launch a business and how effective it can be at providing a real sustainable income for you and your family.


VISION: Imaging A Life Changing Business

It all starts with a vision. In this module we will focus on who you are serving as a business, what their primary needs are, and what kind of product offerings will meet those needs. If you're new to business this is the way business should be taught. If you've been around a while, this new paradigm will rock your world and cause you to rethink everything you thought you knew about business.


Business Model

The best way to achieve success is found in modeling what others have done. Fortunately for us, there are well known models for how a business is designed and operated. In this module we will look at those models so you can be prepared to choose which model you want to implement in your own business... then it's off to the races!


Product Development 101

It's pretty hard to make money if you don't have a product to sell. Fortunately for you there is no end to how many products can be developed. In this module we will talk about product development, identifying what it is you're creating, and ultimately bringing that product to market. Whether you want to sell digital products or physical products, this section will help you design the concepts and get ready to dominate the market!  (you will also discover you can sell OPP - Other People's Products!)


Sales & Marketing 101

Awesome products are awesome! But they're kind of worthless to the bottom line if no one knows they exist. In this module you will get the fastest most in-depth immersion into marketing you have ever experienced. Colleges and universities don't teach this stuff because it's to new and progressive for their outdated models. Lucky for you, we have the experience and the knowledge. And you too will have the right knowledge after this module.


Building The Right Technology

It's the internet... so it must be technically complicated right?  WRONG. The reality is modern technology continues to make life easier not more difficult. Anyone can build their own website very easily with modern tools, and you do not need a 6 figure IT team to support it. In this module you will get all the details along with two different technology stacks to choose from - then you can decide what you want to build!


Legal, Accounting, Numbers and Stuff

For the business managers this is the stuff that make them salivate. For the rest of us, this is the stuff that turns them off to business (yuk). Regardless you need some knowledge here so we're going to teach it. Then you can decide to hire you own accounts and number loving nerds to make it all happen!  Don't worry, this module is essential but it's not scary! 


Ready, Set, Launch

It's time - now that you have the training and modeling for your business, you need to bring it to launch. There are a lot of details to be hashed out, some products to maybe finish off, some web pages to resolve, but you're ready.  In this module we'll go through a punch list of what you need and create a plan to launch - then you're off to win! 


As an extra bonus, you're going to get these incredibly valuable add-ons! 

This course already includes all of the things you need to launch a business and get started. But you will soon learn in business, the learning never stops. Every time you solve a problem a new opportunity emerges and you get to go back to learning some more.  GOT IT!  That's why you will also receive these additional bonus lessons. These bonuses address some of the first issues you will face after launch. Knowing that, we're including the solution!  Just watch these lessons when you're ready and remove every excuse - NOW, YOU CAN DO THIS!

Bonus 1
Building a Membership Based Business

The membership based business is perfect for people who want to build a following and continue offering value to them over and over. It is also of the most lucrative online opportunities!

In this bonus module you will learn how a member based business works as well as the best technology to use along with some ideas for how to grow and develop the membership product line and offerings.

Bonus 2
Building Your Email Marketing System

Some people like to say "email is dead", and yet the numbers do not support that. Email marketing still has the highest ROI of all marketing methods available. 

But like everything, there's a right way and a wrong way to build an email marketing system. In this bonus module you will learn the right way to implement and leverage an email system to maximize your marketing dollars and turn the greatest profit margins. 

Bonus 3
How to Build a Monsterously HUGE Tribe!

While a traditional brick and mortar business may only serve a few thousand people in a local area, the internet opens you up to over 7 billion people... around the world!

So how do you focus your messaging?

You build a tribe - or a following. In this module you will learn what exactly that means as well as several techniques for building the strongest tribe possible!

Bonus 4
Planning Your Content Calendar

It's "the information age". More information is being loaded up to the internet on a daily basis than we have books in a library! 

That's how important content is. 

It can also be one of the most intimidating parts of your internet business. 

In this module you will learn how to build a content calendar and plan ahead so you're never sitting there the night before saying "now what was I supposed to post about?"

Bonus 5
Three Proven Sales Funnels for an Online Business

Imagine the greatest salesman in the world... that one guy (or girl) who could drive 2-3x more sales than anyone you've ever met...

Now imagine that salesman is operating on auto-pilot!  

That's what we call a sales funnel and in this module you are going to be given (yes given as in handed on a silver platter) three of the most cost effective and highest converting sales funnels for any online business. Most people spend years learning this... you get it done for you!

Bonus 6
OMG That's IT! (Incredible online services that make your life so easy you don't have any excuse to fail)

Most people have an endless supply of excuses as to why they can't launch their business. "I don't know how to do this" or "I don't know how to do that". 


In this module you're going to discover "done for you services" that can do pretty much anything you need, so you can drop the excuses and focus on building a profitable business!

About The Course Teacher,
(Jeremy Whaley)

Jeremy Whaley launched his first business at the age of 7 (an actual recording studio in the closet of his bedroom)! Ever since he has found unique and interesting ways to innovate and invent various entrepreneurial ideas. 

Eventually he built and operated a real recording studio in Nashville TN, but In 2008, he left the music industry to pursue the emerging market of internet based business. 

During his career he has been part of more than $30M in online sales revenue across a variety of businesses. He has consulted and coached numerous businesses of various industries, and he has served on masterminds and boards with over 15 different companies. Now he is taking that information and experienced learned, combining it with the teaching skills he has acquired, and making this knowledge available to individuals like yourself. 

Here’s what people are saying about the course instructor

Bryan Kennedy

Retired - long time student

This is a guy who wants to help you grow.

Jeremy is one of those people who truly wants to help.  There are a lot of people who say they want to help you, but there is always some "catch".  There is no "catch" here. This is a guy who wants to help you grow. I have reach out when things are really frustrating. His response is always a caring "Tell me what is going on. Let's see how we can get you back on track." It means that much more to me because I know how many things he juggles in his life.

Katie Wu


Changed My Life For the Better!

Jeremy is a great teacher and mentor.  I am very grateful for finding him and his services. 

What I have learned from him changed my life for the better.

Randy Meadows

Business Broker

Unique ability to simplify complex issues.

Jeremy is a great communicator! He has a unique ability to simplify complex issues and make them easily understood. 

I have benefited greatly from Jeremy's teaching and training. Having listened to him for many years his desire to help and inspire others is evident in everything he does.

22 Years and over $190,000 - That's My Cost

Why should you go through a training course like ONLINE BUSINESS LAUNCHER?  

It's simple - You want more income right?  And you probably would like the idea of being able to quit your job before you die (or at least choose to go to work instead of being forced to work for income)... again, am I right?

And I'm guessing since you have read this far it probably means you do not know how to do all of this already on your own and you need some help... am I right?

It literally took me over 22 years and more than $190,000 to gain all of this knowledge and experience.  Later I did have the good fortune of finding some mentors and helpers who sped up the process, but in the beginning I was all alone. I remember thinking so many times "if only I had a mentor who would teach me what to do..."

I had to learn most of it on my own. I spent $5,000 on this seminar and $7000 on that seminar. I read book after book. But so much of this knowledge came from real world experiences - like the time my merchant processor took over $80,000 out of our account because we were "too successful"!  I didn't know you could be "too successful" but it turns out you can be - and I was! 

It is from this depth of experience that I share with you these lessons. I'm very proud of this course. I have wanted to do it for a long time, and now It's here. I have put very deep thought into each module to make sure it is the fastest path to success for you as you launch your business.

After you get going you will have plenty of time to learn all the nerdy stuff.  But this course is the nuts and bolts - the stuff that gets you going - and that's why I'm proud to offer it.   

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Complete Course


$1997   $997

  • Live Classes
  • Recordings for unlimited review
  • Access to All Modules
  • Over $5,000 in Bonus Lessons
  • 1 year of free updates
Course + Coaching

Entire Course PLUS 1-on-1 Coaching

$3997   $1997

  • Everything in complete course
  • PLUS: (4) Four 1-on-1 private business coaching/strategy calls (regular price $500/each)

This week only

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100% Satisfaction Guarantee for 30-Days

I have no interest in selling you something that doesn't do you any good. That's why if you get to my course and during the first 30 days you do not see the immense value I'm offering, I will do whatever it takes to make it right, up to and including a full refund. 

Don’t wait! Look at what past students have to say

Dorthy Krupa


You make learning fun!

Started following you almost 10 years ago. You make learning fun and exciting. Your enthusiasm rubs off on your audience and makes them want to know more and more. I was never able to get enough of classes when you taught them.  Never a dull moment.  Thank you for inspiring me and all others luckily to be part of your audience.

Marlene Noll

Splendor Interior

Such a Wonderful Teacher!

Jeremy you are such a wonderful teacher! I've have learned a lot through out the year and yet, a lot more to learn.  Keep up with the great attitude and energy that you transmit to your students.

Thank you!

Stephen McManus

Retired CPA

He will give you the answer

I enjoy Jeremy's open and welcoming personality.  He treats every question from students as important and urgent.  If he cannot answer a question immediately, he will give you the answer within a day.

Frequently Asked Questions

I want to start an online business but I have no idea how I could ever find customers, what do I do?

I don't have a business degree, how can I run a business?

What is your refund policy?

Can I really launch a business in 4-6 weeks?

If you're so successful, why do you charge money?

How much money can I make with this course?

Complete course


$1997   $997

  • Live Classes
  • Recordings for unlimited review
  • Access to All Modules
  • Over $5,000 in Bonus Lessons
  • 1 year of free updates
course + coaching

Entire Course PLUS 1-on-1 Coaching

$3997   $1997

  • Everything included in complete Online Business Launcher course
  • PLUS:  (4) Four  1-on-1 private business coaching/strategy calls with Jeremy Whaley (normally $500/session)

Your personal note

I remember when I launched my first internet business - it came on the heels of several other business failures and hard times. With each new business I kept thinking "God, this one has to work", and it seemed like over and over it was just more disappointment.

But then it happened. We launched our first internet business and BOOM, my business life changed forever.

Regardless of where you are in your journey take heart, each of your previous experiences are just part of the stepping stones to success. I have no way to know if this next business is your big one or not, but I can say with confidence if you never quit, you will eventually win.

I'm honored you would consider letting me share some of my own experiences, ups and downs and lessons with you. I do not take that trust lightly and I will do everything I can to make sure I impart as much knowledge and wisdom as possible to you, so you too can have the joy of changing the world with your business.
