Finally, UPDATED and AVAILABLE TO YOU for 2020 and Beyond...
How do every day people like me, who didn't grow up wealthy and were not taught how to be wealthy in school... how are we supposed to learn to think, invest and grow wealth like the top 1% without compromising our ethics and our values?"
That question came from a place of NEED...
I needed money. I was hurting for cash. I was finally an adult trying to pay my own bills and every month I seemed to always have more month at the end of the money.
Finally, one event changed my life and it set me on a new course... one that would change my life and the lives of thousands of others.
It was a 4th of July weekend...
For those of you who do not live in America, that is the day we celebrate as INDEPENDENCE DAY! The day America was born. It just so happened this was also the year my family has our 5 year family reunion on that weekend. So I was on my way to this reunion for the entire week.
I was almost to the place where we would have the reunion and I needed gas. As I pulled into a gas station to fill up, the worst thing happened... MY BANK CARD WAS DECLINED.
How could this be? How could I be out of money again!?
I knew it was probably true. I was broke. But I didn't know it was going to happen so fast. And the bigger problem is as a freelance musician I had no way to prove when I was going to have more money.
I managed to pull enough cash together to buy enough gas to get to the camp grounds where we were having our reunion. But the whole weekend, I knew deep down I was screwed. My bank account was in the hole, and I had no idea when I would get another check to cover it.
I was stuck. It was a holiday weekend, banks were closed, and I didn't even have internet access available so I could see how bad the damage was. I decided to suck it up and have a good time for a few days and I figured I'd settle it up when I get back to town.
Sure enough Monday morning came and I went back to town. I got to the internet and discovered how bad the damage was...
I'm not going to lie...
- $1,710 BAD
I GULPED and a lump filled my throat... "Oh my goodness... how did I do that?"
It was true. My account was overdrawn by almost twice the amount I paid in rent, and I had no way to pay the bank back.
But it gets worse...
I didn't actually overdraw my account by that much money. The amount of money I overdrew was less than $100. But what happened is my bank had a little rule. A rule they would later find themselves ruled against in a class action lawsuit, but one that on this day struck me as a victim.
You see, what had really happened is I paid a rent payment of several hundred dollars and then I had several little expenses. All of the small expenses were less than $20.00 each. But there were about 8-10 of them over a 24 hour period.
When all of the transactions hit at once, the bank had their computers set up to pay the largest one first. This insured I would overdraft my account faster (which I did) and allow them to charge an NSF fee of $35 per transaction for each of the smaller items instead of one fee for the large item that actually had overdrawn the account.
Now don't get me wrong, I was irresponsible. I messed up and for that I take responsibility,
but in this case the bank was making a ton of money charging irresponsible people like me a ton of money when they would make a slight accounting error.
So I ended up with about $250+ worth of NSF fees. That was bad.
But the other part I didn't know is this bank allowed only 2 days to right the wrong. And if I did not fix it, they would begin charging an additional $15 PER TRANSACTION, PER DAY...
Factor in a holiday weekend and you can see how I ended up with an account over $1700 in the negative.
I knew what the bank had done was morally wrong and I switched banks. Sure enough about 6 years later they were sued in federal court and the bank lost. I did get about $85 back as my part of the class action settlement. But that didn't matter. It was too late.
But with that mistake came a seed of opportunity...
It just so happened that this bank was in a very wealthy part of town, a location where there is a LOT of "old money". I was broke and 23, so I did what all broke 23 year old musicians do when their bank account is overdrawn... I went to Starbucks and paid $4.50 for a fancy coffee while I tried to figure out what to do.
As I sat their watching people, I started to notice something. There was a distinct difference in those who were posers like me, pretending to have money, and those who clearly were part of that "old money".
- One group was anxious, the other relaxed.
- One group had cheap designer clothing, the other had custom clothing.
- One group was hustling about to their job or whatever the next obligation, the other seemed to be in no hurry at all.
As I watched,
I started to ask some questions... questions that would change my life forever...
"What do these people know about money that I don't know?"
"Who taught them?"
"What do they do for money?"
"Why do they have money and the rest of these people don't?"
That moment changed my life. I wasn't taught about money in school. We had Language 1, and Language 2, and Science and Biology, but MONEY 1 and MONEY 2 were missing from the curriculum. I was taught "go to school so you can get into college and go to college so you can get a job".
So I went to college and I got a music degree (not a job). In music school they didn't teach me MONEY 101 or MONEY 201, or even ECONOMICS 101, they didn't teach me IRS 101 or "How to market yourself as a musician".
Like millions of other people, I did what they told me to do, and I found myself broke and unable to support myself to make a basic living...
So I began a quest to find answers to these questions. I started reading books about money and wealth. I read about industry and families who had built financial dynasties.
And then one day it all changed again...
I had made a list of book recommendations from one of the authors I was reading. One cold winter morning I drove down to my local Borders books and decided to see what I could find. Sure enough, there was one of the books. It was called THINK & GROW RICH.
"That's an interesting title" I thought to myself.
So I picked it up and proceeded to the coffee shop to see if I wanted to buy this book.
What happened next truly changed the course of my life forever...
As I started reading THINK & GROW RICH, I found myself mesmerized by what I read. I had never seen a philosophy of success articulated before. I had never heard or read someone explain the American Dream so clearly. I had never imagined that these wealthy families (dynasties) I admired from afar, were all following a similar formula.
I read the introduction, and the first chapter, and then the second. Finally they kicked me out of the store so I drove home and continued reading. As I read my eyes were opened.
For the first time in my life
I read a book cover to cover without putting it down. How could I? The words I was reading were transforming my mind as I read them.
Now to be candid, the first time a newbie reads THINK AND GROW RICH, there are some things that are hard to understand - but I didn't care. I later learned those are the things that make the difference. As I read and re-read the book things started to make more sense.
I began applying the principles and I began learning more from other people who had read and applied the principles of THINK AND GROW RICH, and sure enough, my path was changed.
It's been almost 20 years since I first read THINK AND GROW RICH.
I did not understand it all at first. But with several reads it began to make sense.
I've continued to grow in my knowledge and understanding over the years but the foundation of all of it started with THINK AND GROW RICH. And the amazing thing is when I read the book again, every time, it seems as fresh to me as it was when I first read it nearly 20 years ago.
Of course now, I've gone on to start several businesses, some have been more successful than others. I've used the principles in THINK & GROW RICH to find my spouse. I've used the principles to start businesses. I've used them when business partnerships have crumbled, and when ventures didn't play out the way I wanted. And I've used them when things worked exactly as expected.
I've used the principles to turn pennies into millions of dollars in revenue, earning well over 8 figures a couple of times over. I figured I've earned at least $1-2 Million in revenue for every time I've read the book.
When I sold my previous business and I decided to focus more on sharing what I know about personal development I thought "what better way to start than to build on THINK & GROW RICH".
THINK RICH 2020 is a modern update to the classic.
It's really just a companion. I've taken each of the 13 principles from THINK & GROW RICH and I have expanded on them based on modern knowledge and personal experience.
A lot has changed in the last 80+ years since Napoleon Hill first wrote the book. Science has now proven many of his theories and we now have scientific explanations as to why some of the principles work. We also have seen the birth of an entire industry of personal development that has grown out of this book.
THINK RICH 2020 will teach you how to apply these principles in your own life.
It's NOT just a rehash of the same stuff, it's very additive.
Jack sent me a note and said this:
Your video module on overcoming fear alone is worth the price of admission, this is incredible". - Jack Yurich (client)
That's what I wanted to do with this course. Yes, I teach the principles of THINK & GROW RICH, but I do so in a way that captures my own unique style and unique experiences.
For those of you who have worked with me before, you know my teaching style. You know how I communicate. Now I've just applied that to this success classic.
For those of you who are new, I invite you to try it. I think you will find, much like my thousands of other students, that I have a unique way of articulating certain things. Bringing them to life in ways that previously you didn't know could happen. It's my gift that I like to share with the world.
Of course, if for any reason you decide it's not for you, just reach out and I'll be happy to make it right. I don't want anyone to feel that they have to be stuck with something they don't enjoy.
So that's my story.
I hope you will get your own access to THINK RICH 2020 and start applying the principles immediately. This project has been a labor of love. It's been hard at times. I have cried while recording videos. It has taken me back down memory lane. Most of all, it has stirred even more gratitude in my heart.
I'm so grateful that I overdrew my bank account that fateful July 4th weekend. If it had never happened I may have never made the choices I did.
But most of all, if I had never made those choices I do not believe I would have ever found myself teaching and sharing with others what I have learned on this journey. And that has been my greatest joy and greatest fulfillment. The opportunity to share with others what I have learned.
Thank you for being part of this journey with me. I hope you are blessed, challenged, and most of all I hope you unlock all of the extraordinary potential you were created to live!

Jeremy Whaley
Nashville TN.
January 2020
THINK RICH 2020 is a personal development course based on the success classic THINK & GROW RICH. This course includes over 7 hours of original video recordings that teach through and emphasize the 13 Principles of Success as laid out by Napoleon Hill in his original book in 1937.
- 16 Modules
- Over 7 Hours of video training
- Workbook
- All original
- All updated for 2020 and beyond
- Available Immediately ON-DEMAND

PRICE: $997
(click below to see special bundle pricing)
Certainly the videos that are part of THINK RICH 2020 are incredible. On their own they are easily worth 10x the price. In fact, others have created similar videos and sold them for $2,000 or more! I want to remind you...
I have used the principles in THINK & GROW RICH to create more than 8 figures!
These videos are EVEN MORE POWERFUL because they contain not just the wisdom of Napoleon Hill, but also my own 20+ years of experience in business and finance!
That's why I'm including several BONUS' to help you get started... things I WISH I HAD when I first read Think & Grow Rich and started on this journey to success.
BONUS #1 - eBook
Naturally - if you're working through the book THINK& GROW RICH, you need to have a copy of the book! So I am including a PDF Digital version of THE ORIGINAL TEXT for you to use at will. You can read it on your computer, your iPad, Kindle, or anywhere else you want to use it! It's yours as an included bonus!
- Ebook PDF
- New Forward by Jeremy Whaley
- Print or use digitally

VALUE: $19
(click below to see special bundle pricing)
BONUS #2 - Audio Book
Let's be honest... not everyone is going to be able to take the time to read the complete THINK & GROW RICH book. Or perhaps you like to listen while you work or drive. That's why I am including an e-book. That way if you are not as fast of a reader, or if you simply do not have time to read, you can still experience the content of this great success classic
- Abridged Audio Book
- Available to listen

VALUE: $39
(click below to see special bundle pricing)
BONUS #3 - Napoleon Hill Collection
It's great to get the feedback and insights of modern thinkers on the original work. But what about the thoughts of Napoleon Hill himself? It took some time, but I managed to find a collection of videos from Napoleon Hill himself talking about his 13 Principles of Success. These videos are rare and hard to find, but I've included a link to these original videos in the Think Rich 2020 Bundle
- Napoleon Hill In his own words
- 9 Additional videos
- THE original recordings!

VALUE: $997
(click below to see special bundle pricing)
BONUS #4 - Virtual Master Mind
Napoleon Hill pioneered the idea of the MASTER MIND. Since that time millions of people have gone on to apply his principles, some with great success and some with limited success. The purpose of a MASTER MIND is to gain wisdom and insights into a situation. I have assembled a collection of videos from great modern day thinkers who have taken concepts from Think & Grow Rich and have taken the information to a completely new level. The value of this Master Mind collection alone is worth way more than the price of this bundle.
- Additional 20 hours+ of video
- Modern thinkers sharing their own new insights
- Take your own understanding to a new level

VALUE: $1,997? (Priceless)
(click below to see special bundle pricing)
BONUS #5 - Mind Map of Entire Book
A Mind map is a very useful tool for visual learners to understand apply concepts. I have taken the time to do my own mind map of the entire THINK & GROW RICH book and I have included this map for you to download and enjoy.
- Entire THINK & GROW RICH on 1 page
- PDF for easy download and print

VALUE: $19
(click below to see special bundle pricing)
When You Buy THINK RICH 2020 TODAY...
• THINK RICH 2020 - New Original Videos w/workbook
Value: $997
Value: $19
• THINK & GROW RICH - Audio Book
Value: $39
• Napoleon Hill Video Collection
Value: $997
• Virtual Master Mind Collection
Value: $1,997
• Mind Map of T&GR
Value: $19
Value: $4,068

It's simple. I'm committed to helping people. If you decide for any reason within the first 14 days that you do not like this program, I will find a way to MAKE IT RIGHT up to and including a FULL REFUND if that's what is needed. I don't know how to say it any differently. I want you to grow as a person, and ultimately grow rich!
• THINK RICH 2020 - New Original Videos w/workbook
Value: $997
Value: $19
• THINK & GROW RICH - Audio Book
Value: $39
• Napoleon Hill Video Collection
Value: $997
• Virtual Master Mind Collection
Value: $1,997
• Mind Map of T&GR
Value: $19
Value: $4,068